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This gives site designers news about browsers design, helps find browsers, offers design resources, lists Inter­net stats, and sells books for building effective websites. This also gives designers news about selected site design and deployment tools. Finally, as wise font use is key to good design, this also reports new up­dat­ed fonts, especially free flexible fonts. First published in Sep 1998, this is up­dated each Sa­tur­day, with news up­dated succinctly throughout each day.

Special Note: the Browser News wasn’t published from early June to late September 2020, due to an infection which has left me para­lyzed from the waist down, confined to a bed and wheelchair.

Special Note: the Browser News is normally updated daily, but is updated weekly during hospital stays.

Recent Books: .

Visit the store for more.

The Focus

This focuses on browsers wanted to test web­sites, e.g. Arc, Avast, Brave, Chrome, DuckDuckGo, Edge, Epic, Firefox, Iron, Maxthon, Norton, Opera, Pale Moon, Safari, Sea­Mon­key, TOR, Vivaldi, & Water­fox.

This also focuses on fonts for crafting websites.

There is much great in­for­mation elsewhere, with no need to “reïnvent the wheel”, so this lists news con­cisely, with links to release notes other details.

Bits Pieces

Have browser news to share? Contact me.

Have more web design work than you can handle͕ I can help. See my portfolio and contact me.

Charles A Upsdell Website Design

Want to add a link to the Browser News to your site? Use this button and link to this URL:

Browser News

Interested in software se­cu­ri­ty flaws? Click here:

Security News

Your Browser(anchor)

This lists information about your browser.

More details are available on the Resources Your Browser page.

NḄ: some browsers have userAgent strings which identify them as other browsers: examples are 1 Brave, which identifies itself as Chrome, Vivaldi, which also identifies itself as Chrome, and 3 the TOR browser, which identifies itself as Firefox. This makes it im­pos­si­ble for brow­ser snif­fers to reliably determine the correct browser name, though sniffers can still determine the correct engine name.

NḄ: some browsers report major version numbers only; minor version numbers are hidden. For example, 1 Internet Ex­plorer 11.0.140 falsely says that it’s Internet Explorer 11.0, Firefox 94.0. falsely says that it’s Firefox 94.0, and 3 Midori 0.5.11 falsely says it’s Midori 0.5. This makes it im­pos­si­ble for brow­ser snif­fers to reliably determine the correct browser version vec­tors.

NḄ: some browsers report the wrong version number/̣vector in their useṛAgent strings. For example, Vivaldi 1.15.1147.64 says that it’s 1.96.1147.64. This makes it harder for brow­ser snif­fers to reliably determine the correct browser version vec­tors.


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